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7objects for introducing Comunication, Artificial Intelligence based on Territorial Intelligence Process Networking, Recherche, informationn science, research, science, Intelligence Territoriale, Territorial Intelligence, theory, Information Technologies, hybrid territory

7objects for introducing Comunication, Artificial Intelligence based on Territorial Intelligence Process

7objects for introducing Comunication, Artificial Intelligence based on Territorial Intelligence Process Gate 1...

13 Février 2018

Big et Open Data, dispositifs contingents des développements sociaux et économiques locaux Networking, Recherche, research, science, theory, Information Technologies, hybrid territory, web 2.0, local authorities

Big et Open Data, dispositifs contingents des développements sociaux et économiques locaux

Big et Open Data, dispositifs contingents des développements sociaux et économiques locaux http://revues.clermont-universite.fr/index.php/JITIPEE/article/view/162...

12 Février 2018

enquêtes sur la mobilité//surveys about citizens, business and local authorities mobilities Coopération internationale, Sustainable development, research, Territorial Intelligence, hybrid territory

enquêtes sur la mobilité//surveys about citizens, business and local authorities mobilities

Dear Colleagues, Please find below another group of surveys about a different territorial entity than previously:...

12 Février 2017

enquêtes sur la mobilité//surveys about citizens, business and local authorities mobilities Développement durable, Sustainable development, Recherche, research, mobilities, Territorial Intelligence, Thèse de Doctorat, Prospective, PhD defense, hybrid territory, web 2.0

enquêtes sur la mobilité//surveys about citizens, business and local authorities mobilities

Dear Colleagues, Please don't hesitate to use it or for sending to your friends, students, corporations they will...

7 Février 2017

Resilience and ambidextrous the side-to-side powerfull capacity of the 21st company Networking, informationn science, research, theory, Information Technologies, system, TICs

Resilience and ambidextrous the side-to-side powerfull capacity of the 21st company

Dear all, Please finf below title of our paper published in International journal of economic intelligence in december:...

6 Novembre 2016

L’entreprise du 21ème siècle résiliente et ambidextre, le numérique comme hypothèse de travail (2016). Recherche, research, science, N.T.I.C, theory, system, TICs, knowledge, web 2.0

L’entreprise du 21ème siècle résiliente et ambidextre, le numérique comme hypothèse de travail (2016).

Bonjour à tous, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication en décembre de notre article " L’entreprise...

6 Novembre 2016

The Territorial Intelligence Process: A Humanistic Path and a Realistic Mediation for Development of Hybrid Territories Networking, Recherche, research, science, Intelligence Territoriale, Territorial Intelligence, theory, Information Technologies, system, Sustainable development

The Territorial Intelligence Process: A Humanistic Path and a Realistic Mediation for Development of Hybrid Territories

Dear Friends, We are pleased to announce our paper "The Territorial Intelligence Process: A Humanistic Path and...

3 Novembre 2016

Territorial Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence : On Discussion Networking, research, science, Intelligence Territoriale, Territorial Intelligence, theory, system, hybrid territory

Territorial Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence : On Discussion

Dear Friends, We are pleased to announce our paper Territorial Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence : On Discussion...

3 Novembre 2016

http://www.yann-bertacchini.eu/ Coopération internationale, Développement durable, e government, informationn science, Information Technologies, knowledge, local authorities, Networking, Partenariat recherche-industrie, research


Dear Friends, Please find my new internet Cv available at: http://www.yann-bertacchini.eu/ some subject to change...

15 Février 2016

http://isdm.univ-tln.fr/PDF/isdm34/isdm34_Bouchet-al.pdf system, science, Schéma numérique, Information Technologies, informationn science, Intelligence Territoriale, Développement économique, Emploi & Industrie, Networking, research



2 Novembre 2015

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